Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 15 of 365

My partner Richard and I met doing a media degree at UNSW. I will admit that is not why I went to uni but if I am truly honest with myself finding a man was the best thing to come out of uni.

Being a uni student is hard. I was one of the uni students who worked part time and lived out of home so it was tough. I am not complaining but I will always remember what it is like to do the maths and realise you only have enough money for two minute noodles and the bus to work (the budget just couldn't stretch to getting the bus to uni as well).

Of course, I am also grateful for the opportunities having a degree provide me now and in the future. I even appreciate that the Aussie government loaned me the money so I could attend. So the annual loan repayment hurts but still at least I can say I did it.

Oh and that I found my man

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