Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 21 of 365

Richard and I went to see The Kings Speech this evening. It really is a brilliant film. I am a massive fan of royalty (in particular the British royal family), I've loved Colin Firth since Pride & Prejudice and as an Australian I am a huge fan of Geoffery Rush. The performances are surprising and it is such a wonderful variation on a story we've all heard from a 1,000 different perspectives. Go see it!

I am so grateful for cinema. Not just because it is a medium for telling great stories but because when you are there you get to sit in the dark and immerse yourself in someone else's life. It was decided today that this week had not been one of the best at work and so to go and hide like that was just what I needed. Especially when you think about the fact that I personally am very unlikely to have to play out my embarrassing tales as publicly as a member of the royal family. I can stuff it up completely and its ok because in the end the only person who ever really remembers the story is me. So the escape is something to be grateful for.

Quick side story - actually two side stories.
1 - when my mum and I were in Kensington Gardens years ago there was a commotion and what I thought was Hugh Grant. Turns out that it was Hugh and Colin filming the scene in Bridget Jones Diary 2 where they chase each other around Kensington Gardens!!!! When Mum and I saw the film we nearly died!

2 - I used to volunteer at TropFest and one year I was in the VIP tent and Geoffrey was a judge. When I met him he was the nicest guy, just a genuine person there to enjoy some great films. Was such a treat.

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